Sneha Khedkar

Freelance Science Journalist

Hi! I'm Sneha.

I'm a biologist-turned freelance science journalist from India.  My passion lies in talking about science where it intersects with the society.  More about me.

My articles have appeared in Scientific American, Knowable Magazine, New Scientist, Live Science, and The Hindu among others. I'm a science journalism intern with The Scientist since May 2024.

If you have a story tip, or want to commission work, please feel free to reach out.

Recent articles 

Groundbreaking new work has found the fate of a gene being transcribed depends on the relative location of the transcription factor binding site

Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun won this year’s Physiology or Medicine award for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation.

A new database with more than 2,500 food metagenomes gives scientists a glimpse into the microbial diversity of the human diet.

A complete list of my published articles is here.